Currently I am watching Captain of Destiny and I am absolutely in love and obsessed with Ruco and Kelly as the 11th Prince and Ha Sim.
I saw gif in tumblr of him saving her in Episode 6 but when I actually watch Episode 6. It was so much better. There was a solar eclipse, so the horse that Ha Sim was petting got startled and wrap it rein around her arm and she got drag while the horse gallop. 11th Prince ran to save her. He cut off the rope and sweep her off her feet.
I actually think he doesn't need to do that I mean he can just spend her around. But heck it make such a romantic heroic scene. After saving her, the solar eclipse clear and it was the first time they saw each other. The way he looks at her. I was like awww. Here we have it a scene of a prince literally sweeping a girl off her feet and I am in total fangirl mode ^^
Then in episode 10, he save her again when Fok Yee Tai want her life for "killing" his son. I love how man he is when he shoved Fok Yee Tai's arm with the gun and pull Ha Sim behind him.
Then he said if you want to kill her you have to kill me first. I dare you. Fok Yee Tai will be in a lot of trouble for killing a prince no matter how unfavorable 11th Prince is to the King.
At this point, For Yee Tai of course think it is hopeless for revenging for his son. But Lady Yim taunt him more and he ran out with his gun pointing at Ha Sim's head. Just then Lai Gong Gong appear with the good news. 11th Prince was so happy that he finally get the imperial yellow jacket that he has been begging his father for. He took it out and said whoever is the wearer can be pardon of any crimes. He flip it then turn around and wrap it around Ha Sim's shoulder and everyone was shocked including Ha Sim. Ruco was so man in this scene.
Later on I was searching online and I found the following pic and I really hope it is true and not a dream.
I don't think Ruco ever did a wedding scene in a TVB drama. If it is the first and that girl is Kelly I will be so giddy. Hehe. From all the promo, Ruco make it very clear that his character like Grace and that he will have kissing scenes with her. But if Ruco will kiss Kelly as well I want to see.
There was also another article that Ruco fanclub translate that has the following pic and it said they will eventually fall in love with each other. On my gosh, my heart hope it is true. I actually really want to see this scene. It it the scene he will be fighting with Kelly on the horse with him. I can't wait.
There was also these two pics from one of their promo.

I finally was able to track a fancam. It was not very clear audio wise but I can't stop smiling to myself at what happen during that promo. Ruco was blindfolded but I think he have to guess which girl is either Grace or Kelly. Kelly was at first shy when the emcee grab her and place it on Ruco's palm. It require some dragging and Grace pushing her toward Ruco. However once he got Kelly's hand, he turn around and look at his fans and with a thumb up smile so cheekily. Haha I think he was trying to get his fans to help him. Then one of the emcee ask if it is Grace. I am not sure what he said but I think he also ask for permission to do something. The emcee ask the crowd if he can or not and he went and pick Kelly up and spend her around. Everyone wow at what he did. The male emcee tease him saying he can tell that they lied to him the moment he pick her up. Okay maybe reading between the line a little but I can't help smiling nonstop. Female emcee also said Kelly's face turn red. I saw Ruco in 3 Kingdom Promo and I feel like he was shy when Sharon was trying to guess which one was him but this time he seem more comfortable. But then I am not a diehard Ruco fan so maybe he is usually like this.
Anyway later they discuss more about the plot and the emcee ask which girl does he like and he was like I actually don't know. Kelly protest that you don't know you married me. Ruco protest of course I know I married you. Kelly playfully hit him and Ruco ran away. Okay I faint from the "dai ching ma chee" of these two. :D
Now I am dragging to see when Grace finally appear and Ruco fall in love with her and Kelly will be all forgotten =(
Gif was found on tumblr. So I didn't create it
Screencaps are all done by me