Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Chu Kot Leung & Wong Yuet Ying

   Currently I am watching TVB Three Kingdom RPG and I absolutely love watching the scenes between Chu Kot Leung (Raymond Lam) and his wife Wong Yuet Ying (Kaki Leung). They are so lovely and sweet together.

   Yuet Ying is a very thoughtful wife. Before CKL went to Xinye to help Lau Bei out, there was one night he woke up and realize Yuet Ying was missing. He went to the study finding her coughing and translating manuals for him. She told him that he is leaving in a couple of days so she want to finish translating. She tries to act okay and happy that she will be staying behind at her parent's place so he can go and do his business and not worried about her. Touched, CKL told her that he never intend to leave her behind. Only with her with him, he can really have no burden. He want to share everything with her. 

   I know they just got married recently and they were arranged, but I can sense their simple understanding and love for each other. 

   After they got to Xinye and lived at Lau Bei's house, one night CKL stayed up reading. Yuet Ying, knowing he is busy, came in with food and tea. Putting it on the table, she was going to leave but CKL stop her and told her that let's drink tea and eat together. Yuet Ying then said you don't have to worry about me. CKL did the following which I thought was kind of sweet but he fail horribly with his sweet talking.

CKL (grabbing her hands): Nothing is too busy for me
CKL: I am Mr. WuLong
CKL: One eye see 10 columns, walk on sea faster than horse
WYY: Huh (LOL)
   He just don't want her to be all by herself. He is such a loving husband. Okie maybe in history he is not this loving but I like how the director write their love story. Yuet Ying, always thinking about her husband, of course tell him that she is busy - she is learning how to make curry. Then CKL realize it was curry that she made. Lovingly he feed her and ate it himself and realize that it was not very good but he tell her that couple go through good and bad times together (even bad cooking).

    Yuet Ying is not a beauty (I don't think Kaki is ugly. She just have a normal looks but with make up and when she smiles she is kind of cute) but she is really smart. Her intelligence almost equal CKL. She is really the woman that is behind a successful man. One night CKL was trying to figure out what kind formation to train the new 3,000 soldiers in. Yuet Ying came in with tea and was able to name the three formations he had on the table. He commented that she knows so much. Yuet Ying knowing that for a woman she shouldn't said so much was going to leave but...

CKL: Don't leave, I actually want you to help me
CKL (grabbing her hand): With wife here with me
CKL: I am in a military strategize mood (Author's Note: I dont know how to translate this line so bear with me)
WYY: (lovingly smile at him)
   Wanting to help her husband, Yuet Ying translate manual day and night. But because she has such a weak body she feel ill on the day he will go out on battle. Not wanting to distract him, she told her maid to lie to him that they have to go back home to visit some relative when in fact she is going to find an inn to hide, until her husband go to battle.

At the inn, she got worse but she still want to go back to the general's home because she want to get first hand news of her husband.

   After CKL came back from war, he found out Yuet Ying got sick. He took the time to take care of her  - making her medicine and feeding her.

  Yuet Ying apologize for not telling him for she know that first time leading an army is very important to him but he told her that she is just as important. His heart ache knowing she was this sick when he was at battle. Touched by his words, she lean on his shoulder.

   Nothing seal my love for this couple more than when stupid Wan Shun decide to find CKL a second wife. Yuet Ying knowing this decide to leave. Not only did she leave, in her letter she gives CKL permission to divorce her! Can this woman be any more selfless!? It was such a touching letter because she sound like she is not sad but with the flashback you can see she was very sad but she knows this is the best and Ms. Mei Yok is better for her husband than she is. Thanks to that Wan Shun shouting that she is not pretty and good enough for her husband on the night of her wedding. Poor Yuet Ying. I think her beauty come from within - caring, kind and selfless at least CKL see that

    While Yuet Ying was gone, you see scenes of CKL missing her. Seeing her everywhere in his house.

He see yellow flowers and remember something and went straight to Wulong Village. After entering his house, he is certain his wife was there. He went to the field and found her.

   Yuet Ying tell him not to come near her and CKL went and grab her hands and said one of the most moving speech I ever hear Raymond act out. Okie slight bias =)

CKL: You said you don't deserve me but it is the reverse. I don't deserve you. You are the kindest   
           person I ever met, always thinking of others. In this world, no one is good enough for you. I am 
           fortunate to be your husband. I was careless taking care of you. On the contrary you did so 
           much for me
WYY(crying): I..I didn't do anything
CKL: I stayed up late at night reading, you stay up with me making me tea. Telling me what you read 
          so that I can relax. Night and day you translate manual. You come up with the formation to help 
          me in battle. The first time I lead an army at Bok Mong City, in order for me not to worry, while 
          being very sick you rather hide than tell me
WYY (crying):...
CKL: Wife, I can't live without you. 
WYY (shocked):...
CKL: Do you know how my days are like while you are in Wulong Village? I have no direction no 
          support. As long as you can come back to me, whatever position, whatever fame, whatever 
          country affairs. Nothing matters.

   Touched by his words, they reconcile and hug. I was already crying very badly in this scene. Terrific acting!

   No screencap can do this scene justice. You have to watch it to experience the love and emotions of both Raymond and Kaki and their love.

   I am looking forward to more of their scenes. I just hope Yuet Ying won't die.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Wind and Ada

   I just finished watching TVB Forensic Heroes 3 and I have to dedicate a post to my new obsessed couple Wind and Ada played by Roka (Ron Ng and Kate Tsui).

   I used to like the two of them individually (Ron in Revolving Doors of Vengeance and Kate in Steps) but I slowly despite them with the characters they are usually cast in. Ron as the hot headed, immature, obnoxious guy (i.e. The Academy Series). Kate as the bitchy, Angelina Jolie want-to-be (i.e. Moonlight Resonance). You would think I will hate them even more as a couple but for some reason I find them so freaking cute and they look so good together. I think it also help that I love the character that they are casted in. Ron finally play a character that I absolutely adore.

   Wind is nice, humble (even as a rich guy willing to help Ada's mom with all the fixing of the house), cool (he just have the cop look that make him that much more "ying"), rational and my gosh can he get any sweeter (especially when he is dating Ada). One of my favorite scene is when the bar staff slip and two dishes was falling on top of Ada's head. Wind successfully catch it and sweetly asks if she is okie. (Seriously I almost melt).

   I never see Ron play anything comedic. Wind's character definitely provide a lot of comedy in this series. 

With his hair mess up like this
   Kate as Ada is so pretty. I just love the hair and the boots. Usually when there is a madam in a police unit, TVB usually cast her as a new person to the team. Ada is not and she get along fine with her subordinate. She is one generous madam always treating them to meal. Plus Kate is so cool at a cop when she start kicking ass. On top of that, she has a very cute personality.

   I love the scene at the bar before they start dating how they drank each other's drink. Yes the electric moment was cheesy but their reaction is so adorable especially Ron.

 I love how Wind confess to Ada. He was so cute when he made a face before he grab her other hand.

   I love the two kisses that they share that Wind has to trick Ada for one she was jealous (Kate was so adorable when she is jealous) and the other one she is mad at him.

   I love watching them holding hands. So cute

  All gif were taken from the Internet